Friday, November 01, 2013

POEM - Candy Choices, Candy Consequences

The choices we make
Well, we have to live with them
And I’ve made some doozies
And today was another
As I morosely ponder
The spent paper carcasses
Of so many good candies
Filling up my wastebasket

I was only going to eat one
Or maybe two
Each day
Make them last
Savor and enjoy
Each gooey, chocolaty, sweet morsel
Alas it was one of those days
One where the sun comes up
One that ends in “Y”
One that is either a weekday
Or a weekend
And on any day like that
When confronted with the extra pressure
Of a bag full of Halloween candy
I cave like a sink hole in Florida
The destruction is devastating
The loss total
The residual damage


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