Saturday, November 23, 2013

POEM - She Wants the Farm Life

The horse greeted us
As we drove through the fence
Of the house
Located at the dead end

The horse was only mildly interested
Then shook its main
And turned its head
To look at something
More interesting
Than our Volvo station wagon

My daughter reacted more
Was excited to see the horse
More excited
When we came around the next tree
To reveal all the other animals
Geese and chicken and ducks
As well as goats
Lots of goats
Including a pair of week old babies
Bleating and carrying on
Running around
Like they owned the place

My daughter was euphoric
Said she wanted her house
When she grew up
To look just like this
With animals everywhere
For her there could be nothing better

I was distracted
Speaking to the proprietor
Doing grown up things
While she never stopped playing
Throwing the ball to the dogs
Watching the geese warily
Petting the goats she could reach

Keep trying sweetie
I think you just might
Watch close
The big white geese
They’ll nip you

If they get a chance

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