Saturday, November 16, 2013

POEM - Just Missed the Pebble

It was one of those weeks
When every inch
Every challenge
Is a little harder
Just a little
Not something that anyone would notice

But I noticed
My game
Took a holiday
My mojo
A no go
My heart

And I’m riding that edge
Almost not finishing
Stumbling at the line
Pushing everything to the last second
For no particular reason
Making problems
Where none exist
Because I’m blind
To the obvious clues
That normally would keep my mouth shut

Patience grasshopper
Just a little longer
This was not the week
You would snatch the pebble
From the master’s hand
But life is not over
Next week is another chance
And this week
It taught you
What not to do
And the lesson is beautiful

A pebble already in your hand

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