Tuesday, November 12, 2013

POEM - Bearded Bliss

Do you think it weird
How much I like my beard?
How fond I am
Of admiring
My follicle filled face
Filled from ear to ear
With tickly bits
And poky parts
All a mingle
They make a handsome sum
Great and glorious to behold

And yet I let the face fringe languish
Only infrequently
Shamed into shaving
By social convention
Each time I lift the razor
To clear cut the growth
I pause for a moment
Then a moment more
Debate and justify
Propose research findings
To rationalize my procrastination
Practice my arguments
Emphasize each important point

Then with a sigh
A defeated sigh
Smear my face with frothy foam
And dispatch the stubble
To the basin below
Tears in my eyes
And heaviness in my heart

Farewell my furry friend
With fondness I reminisce
Recall our quite times
When the soothing scritch-scritch-scratch
Of my nails against you
Would inspire the deepest thoughts
Help me ponder more richly
Soothe the savage beast
Give me the look of knowledge

While enrobed in your shaggy embrace

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