Sunday, November 24, 2013

POEM - Peruvian Cuisine

The assignment
In my son’s Spanish class
Was to bring food
From a pertinent country
He picked Peru
I brightened up
I know some Peruvian food!
We have to make potato salad
Peruvian potato salad is the best!
But how I know that
Is even better

When my family moved to Tucson
When I was twelve
We were still mostly ignorant
Of Southwest culture
We’d lived in the Northwest
For long enough
To be considered from there

So when the nice family
Invited us over for dinner
We felt welcomed
When they said the menu
Corazon shish-kebobs
All we heard was kebobs
I know more now
After 30 years in Arizona
And every mariachi song ever
That Corazon means heart

What I knew that day
Was that the Gardners
Could cook good enough
That even after I knew
That it was beef heart
I finished off the rest and wished for more

What I learned after a few more times
Hanging with their kids
Was that their mom could really cook
That Peruvians make killer lasagna
And that potato salad
Could be spicy enough
To make you think twice

Before taking another bite

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