Saturday, March 18, 2017

POEM – Red Pants

 Rummaging through so-last-year
Hanging unceremoniously
Slashed and tagged
For immediate clearance
A colorful cramped array
That rewarded patience and persistence
When like a shining beacon
I found them
And when one finds red pants
In one’s size
One does not pass them up
So my new friend came home with me
Fancy designer label red slacks
Purchased for less than a song
And I, slightly light headed
From deal laden euphoria

When I finally debuted
The magnificent slacks
I had an audience
At a sponsor dinner
During a trade conference
A normally stuffy affair
Made whimsical
With one small addition
And it was noticed
“Like the red pants
Not everyone can wear those
But you are making it work!”
Point for the weirdos
Thank you red pants
For doing your job
For making a statement
For getting an old dude
A compliment
From the young crowd
And for making my coworker
Roll his eyes
Way more than usual

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