Sunday, March 19, 2017

POEM - The Pineapple of Hospitality

I am the epitome of welcoming
A devotee of all that embodies
That which is inviting and comforting
All rough and stabby
On my protective exterior
But sweet and desirable
When you get to my core
A juicy fibrous surprise
Behind a painful skin

Maybe I am missing the imagery
As I observe the enduring symbol
The mascot of the hospitality industry
A pineapple holds that position
And emulation of the actual fruit
Is perhaps not why it was chosen

A revision I offer
On further consideration
I seek to be exotic and symmetrical
With dark honey colored skin
And a spikey green top
Must be the look
That seems most comforting
When considering where to vacation

But I think it is more mundane
And the tropical pineapple
Was just a flamboyant figurehead
Conjuring images of the far away
I guess that is what it really means

But a simple answer
Isn't always as fun
And the horry tropical native
Begs for other imaginings
For the more creative answer
Inspired by a mysterious symbol
Of remembered sweeter fruit
And treasured simple pleasures

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