Thursday, March 30, 2017

POEM - I Brought You Flours

We arrived early on a Tuesday
To beat the lunch time rush
It already looked like the idea
Everyone else was having
But I got a parking spot
Right by the door
And there were still open tables
And when I added to my order
Two dozen flour tortillas
The cashier said ok
On busier days
I had been told no before
But the stars were lucky
On this midweek adventure
It wasn't a short wait
But the hot sauce was flowing
From the two big pumps
Next to the soda fountains
So I could get some flavor
While I waited in eager anticipation

I don't know how something so thin
Could hold so much
And be so delicious
The stuffing inside the burrito
Was indescribably memorable
But it was almost not necessary
That's how good the tortillas are
That's why a visitor
Returning to Phoenix
If even for just a few moments
Will make time to go to Carolina's
Make a point
To go out of their way
To visit
Like it was a long lost auntie
With way better cooking skills
Than the auntie you are stuck with
No. Really. That good.

And I was thinking of you
So I brought you
One dozen
As a token of my love
And my undying commitment
To always care for you
And support you
By making sure
You only have the best
And making sure you never suffer
Or have to endure
Anything less
Than the absolute best
Unadulterated and pure
Mexican food
And that I will hold you close
And keep you safe and warm
In the folds of my tortilla
Of unconditional love

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