Wednesday, March 29, 2017

POEM - Giant Apple Fritter

I couldn't wait to get out the door
Sure there had been a mistake
Who does this?
Makes giant apple fritters
The size of manhole covers​
And only charges three measly bucks!
For the sake of novelty
If nothing else
And probably not for taste
I bought one
Took up the whole box
Paid my money
Left before they realized the mistake

Once in my car
The lid I did open
Hefting the mighty pastry
I daintily nibbled
Upon the crispy sweet edge
At which point the clouds parted
Angels sang choruses of joy
And Nirvana was revealed
To persist potentially forever
Given the pure girth
Of this doughy masterpiece

Oh tasty behemoth
Laced with apple chunks
It was with trepidation
That first we did meet
But the awkward silence
It was short lived
And soon you spent a glorious moment
Lingering tastily on my lips
Only to find a forever home
Providing layers of padding
To my ever more supple hips

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