Monday, March 13, 2017

POEM – Did I Cross That Bridge?

When I came to it
Did I ever get across
In the flood
Of raw emotional detritus
I made plans
To deal with issues
At the time
When they crossed my path
But did I cross over
Or wade through
The murk and mire
A bridge
Must be built
Requires effort
Ahead of arrival
So did I plan
And build the structure
That would keep me safe
Let me walk on over
Able to see the issue
But not have to swim
No fear of drowning

But I think I swim a lot
And I hope the bridge is built
But I wear a bathing suit
Under my clothes
And take my shoes off
When I see the problems
Coming up ahead
Because procrastinators
They gonna get wet
Soaked in the trial
Drowning in the issues
Looking at someone else's bridge
When the flood waters rise
And sweep them down stream

So I am collecting stones
Sending them ahead
Contracting with the trolls
To make me a pathway over
Instead of trudging through
And I may have riddles to answer
But in the end
I will walk freely
Keep my shoes on
Lose my calluses
Abandoned the swimsuit
And stay safe
Amidst the rising trials
Rushing by
Full of the flotsam and jetsam
I used to get dragged down by

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