Saturday, March 25, 2017

POEM - La-la Na-na-na

In the space between meaning
Is where the people join in
With a hey-nonny-nonny
As the Bard once did say

A joy so essential
From nonsense words
Little more than simple sounds
The only difference
Someone put some letters together
And spelled out the sound
And now it is your favorite part
Of your favorite song
The part you sing so loud
The worm of a tune
That gets stuck in your ear
Can't shake it out
So you just sing along
And your friends join in
Singing na-na-na-na

And another quote
Pops into my head
"A little nonsense
Now and then
Is relished by the wisest men"
I relish the nonsense words
That taste like ambrosia
So satisfying in my mouth
A never ending feast
That fills my soul

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