Tuesday, March 07, 2017

POEM - Mostly Moist

There were problems I didn't have
Once upon a time
That now are constant companions
I'm talking about moistness
The plurality of the unsavory
A notion of unpleasant nomenclature
Once a temporary inconvenience
In the arid desert climate
Of my former homeland
Where the breezes blew hot
And lapped up all liquid
And if you had no sweat
It sucked your skin dry
Until it left it cracked and burned
Wanting for a spot of dew
To vanquish the kiln like effect
But now all is changed
Moist moist moist
That is the constant condition
The modus operandi
Of the Deep South weather
A sweltering humid jacket
That hardly ever comes off
But we are creatures of water
And this is what our flesh craves
And despite the hated word
We desire to be moist
And the desert is the violent part
Of a codependent relationship
It beats you apart
Shriveling almost to dust
But gives you pretty things
Like sunsets and cactus blooms
And you just can't quit it
Even if it kills you
Even if your whole soul
Desires a sweet moist release
The cracked dry earth
Always calls your name
Once it has planted in you
The hardened stubborn seed
That germinates in your heart
Sending its roots deep
Seeking the river
That keeps you afloat
It digs its taproot
Syphons off just a little
To stay connected
Keep you just thirsty enough
To always want to return
To surrender the basic needs
To replinish our watery essence
And crave to burn
Like the Sonoran desert
Awash in the fiery sunset

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