Sunday, February 24, 2013

POEM - Ugly Cry

It was only a nice drive through the country
With the light in just the right spot  
To set all the trees in stark relief
We shared a thought that this was right
That we belonged here
And it got me
Right here
At my very core . . .

Unfortunately, it got you too
Right in the face

Listen, dear, you are beautiful
Let’s get that straightened out
Right from the start,
So there is no confusion
But, well, you see, there is this thing that happens
Where you are in complete conflict
Trying to be strong
Stop the tears from coming
Keep a stiff upper lip
Maintain your composure
Resulting in a boggling conflagration
Where every last part of your lovely facade
Tries to beat up all the other parts
Locked in mortal combat
Battling for supremacy
Until the whole skirmish becomes drenched
In a gushing deluge
Of saline and snot

So, I’m sorry I read that passage
Where something died
Or someone was kind
That one that was just so true
Not to mention beautiful and life changing
But mostly
I’m sorry
For what it did
to your face!

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