Monday, February 25, 2013

POEM - Dear Mom, I’m Sorry (Sort of . . . )

I have one more thing to say
About an obnoxious journal entry
From when I was eight . . .
My younger siblings never had a chance
To have a normal mother

I am sure that after I came through
And said the things I was prone to say
(Just because I thought it was funny)
She really, probably, gave up
I know I am about to

The only difference between us
Is that I was the first in line
While my precocious spawn
Came along last in the set
            When I am already tired
                        And old and fat
And, oh yeah, did I mention tired?

So, when I sit and watch Ezra
Jump from one bed to another
And do flying kicks at the couch
Followed by an aerial 360 spin to a pile driver
To running 50 laps in a 5 foot circle
All accompanied by an endlessly hollered
Cacophonous original composition
With lyrics that include
As many off color concepts
As he can get in
Before we yell at him
At which point we are graced
With a parting shout of “Butt-face!”

All I can do is shake my head and think
Well, I guess I deserve this
For ruining the nice lady
That my mother probably was
Back before she made the mistake
Of welcoming me into the world

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