Saturday, February 16, 2013

POEM - Joe Torres

we spent hours together
on the North side
of the old Main building
tossing a plastic disc
endlessly back and forth

unless we chanced an escape
just every once in a while
when the guards took a break

we'd slide of the grounds
beeline it to Campus Discounts
for two big bags of popcorn
at 15 cents a piece
and me with an Abba Zabba
and a Root Beer with crunchy ice
Joe with his Orangina
spending the first few minutes
slowly shaking it up and down
like a ritual meditation
the Zen master, serene and patient

it was good to know Joe
then I moved, and he moved on
i saw him on some kid show
hamming it up
didn't know the stoic had it in him

and I was going to end on a sad note
a rumor went around a few years ago 
that Joe was dead, what a bummer

instead Fletcher sent me a message
let me know about Joe
still keeping guard in Tucson
our very own dude who still abides

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