Saturday, February 23, 2013

POEM - Journal Entry 1979

The box of leftover papers
Given to my sister to go through
To write the family history
Contained all the typical stuff
A couple hundred crayon drawings
Various certificates of participation
Some for actual accomplishments
Everything from the school years
Of five kids doing the growing up thing

Then Cassie found a gem of literature
Hidden from all eyes for 34 years
Written on my future wife’s 7th birthday
Truly enthralling and prophetic in its eloquence

It encapsulates the story of my life
With tales of faith and friendship
As I relate learning about repentance
Which took place in Primary
As I sat next to my best friend Jason

Goals and future plans find their way in
With promises unfulfilled
To write in my journal every Sunday
Ah, the folly of youth . . .

But the most haunting words
            Those that held my future plans
Are best said in my own 8 year old voice
“Dear mom
            I’ll never see you again
                        I’ll never come back

Do I have regrets for the trail not taken?
As I look back with clear sight
Knowing that I did see my mom again
Like every day
I didn't leave
Maybe it was that Jason couldn't drive
Maybe I got hungry
Maybe the front door was locked
Or I just got distracted
Or, well, bye.

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