Thursday, February 21, 2013

POEM - Humble Burrito

Let us consider
The humble burrito
Delicious denizen from Mexico
You are filled with delight

A food so diverse and exquisite
Modifiers are required
To merely communicate the joy
Contained within

To simply call it burrito
Is to deny all possibility
Surely this unassuming entity
Reflects the nature of humanity

Can you really understand a person
If you merely call them a human?

As within the soft folds of tortilla
A glorious mystery awaits
So too inside our frail skin
Is enfolded the mystery of each of us

The merest sight of you stuffs me
With glorious feelings (fillings?)
I burn with new understanding
As if bathed in a hot sauce of truth!

Oh Great Burrito!
Will we ever learn the lessons you contain?!

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