Tuesday, February 19, 2013

POEM - Conflict and Confection

I went out to a business dinner
Trying to size up  the new competition
the new young kid trying to impress everyone
just like the last one, but with brown hair
same fire in his eyes
same swagger in his step
the fierceness of intellect
and the savvy of the new Tech-eaters
slayers of the old behemoths

I'm trying to be on the right side of the rift
end up straddling the ever growing gorge
I can see where things are headed
but I love the past, the simpler times
I can see both sides and I'm stuck
trapped by indecision about my next move
distracted by shiny things
unable to really focus like that

and then the whole conundrum crumbles
blows apart like a marshmallow
growing beyond big
from the microwaves of radiation
only to completely deflate
this deconstructed confection
has been the right decision as always

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