Wednesday, February 20, 2013

POEM - A Dangerous Job

It may be a dangerous job
But oh the prestige it brings
To be suspended on cables
Hundreds of feet in the air
I feel the breezes of freedom
Course through my pompadour
A mighty wind like eagles wings
Flutters across my face
And I look up, soaked in patriotic glow

I am the one that knows
That knows the nose
And which way the wind blows
From which way the current flows
And where the flow goes

And each day I drop
From the noble forehead
Of Washington or Jefferson
Roosevelt or Lincoln
Past their never blinking eyes
I slide down the jutting dorsum
Then slip over the bulbous ala
Swing under a cavernous nostril
And deftly grasping the stern columella
I come to rest on an impressive philtrum
I take in this rare view but a moment
Before I ceremoniously swab and cleanse
The stony nasal cavity above my head 

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