Wednesday, February 13, 2013

POEM - Resourceful

My eldest criticizes my resourceful nature
An ability born of impoverished formative years
Able to make much from nothing
Find beauty in all forms in all around

I will find myself reading this
In rough draft, to her, on purpose
As I withdraw the paper, eyes will roll
A question will form
One, THE one, I expected. Engineered
I like this game where a small insignificant action
Generates the biggest response

I ignore the incredulous guttural churnings
Begin to read only to be interrupted
Here it comes
            "Is that toilet seat paper again?"
            "Maybe . . . "

Yes, of course it is
Of course I will continue to do this
A moments peace at the office
Reposed in the cool tile lined sanctuary
With only my thoughts,
            and my thoughts are
                        as thoughts will be
Good ones now and then
And I must capture them
Resourcefully so
            These fleeting vapors
            From the porcelain muse
Before all is consumed and withdrawn
Vacated, departed and cleansed

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