Thursday, February 28, 2013

POEM - Not Really

Sometimes I am amazed
By the weird stuff people believe in
(Like I have any room to talk!)
But I do like to research
And I like the critical process
So I wish sometimes an investment was made
A few extra seconds
To check that opinion
That dearly held belief
That quirky aversion
Before you spout off
Say that sentence
The one that gets to my hand
Makes it slap me in the forehead
Then I shake my head
And raise my arms to the sky
In awed wonderment and disbelief

No, I’m sorry, you are wrong
A peace sign is not a broken cross
Or a sign of the devil
Or a modified swastika
Or any of the other hundred stupid ideas
I can see you are just dying to say
It’s just not

And Santa Claus is not a big evil pagan demon
Nor is it clever that his name almost spells Satan
He’s just a guy and a good idea
A symbol of being nice, giving to your fellow man
A part of our cultural heritage
All that jazz, don’t get so worked up

And yes, I’m cynical, and all rant-y and such
Cause I’m crusty and old and ignorance sucks
And peace is good
And so is giving
And a house divided against itself
Won’t stand for very long

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

POEM - Death of the Import Clerk

I've toyed around with the notion of a heart attack
A simple seizure of the life muscle
To guarantee those three or four vacation days next week
A little bed rest and some vindication
Keep work guessing about my stability and reliability
Force the imposing of a backup plan
Just in case you-know-who has another episode

Maybe they’d care then
Maybe they’d be sorry

Maybe this is a juvenile short sighted rant
Like my job and the corporate policy
Enforced by barely literate troglodytes
Who will be forced to scrub the stench of my spent carcass
From the ergonomic HermanMiller where I expire

Then of course I have never done this before
Maybe I’ll take it too far
I’ll be a vegetable or a corpse
I am prone to excess and flair
And drama and overdoing it and not thinking ahead
and pushing the buttons, and, well

Things could get out of control real quick
After all it’s just another lost Saturday
Another chance to prove I’m the only one
Who takes care of business
Rights what’s wrong
Is striving for success
Writing another poem about the great state of suck
and the supporting structure thereof

I’m an enabler and for that I apologize
Every hour of overtime
Every additional weekend day

I apologize to that kid back there and back then
The one who wouldn't grow up
Who still can’t tuck in his shirt
Prefers Dr. Seuss to Dr. Phil (by about a million bazillion times)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

POEM - Historical Continuity

One can talk all they want to
About the constants of history
Thump the podium in mighty oration
Put the fear of God in all of us
And still they miss the mark

It is not the fight for freedom
The indomitable spirit of man
Going with the flow
Living a purpose driven life
Or metaphysical meditation
That is the one thread
That one piece that does not change
The common link in every story
It is, in fact, the cockroach

No, really, it is, and I thought you should know
Thought it might save you some worry

You see, there is no deeper meaning
I am not presenting some concept
A smoking Kafkaesque gun
That must be shot off
Later in the story
Straight into your subconscious
To let you know that the roach lives
In each of us, it is us, and we are it

That’s not it at all, it is just a statement of fact
Everywhere and every-when there are cockroaches

In Arizona they were hard-cooked, dried out
Skittering little rock beasts, impossible to smash

In the South the pests are soaked in humidity
And smashing obliterates them to a smear of buggy goo

My grandparents said that in Mexico they covered the ceilings
Just outside their hotel door, blanched white, reflecting the light

Ever since the dinosaurs and through a nuclear war
They lurk and multiply and continue on and on
I’ve lived with them throughout my own life
In greater and lesser degrees
But I’ve always lived with them
Them, and a can of Raid

Monday, February 25, 2013

POEM - Dear Mom, I’m Sorry (Sort of . . . )

I have one more thing to say
About an obnoxious journal entry
From when I was eight . . .
My younger siblings never had a chance
To have a normal mother

I am sure that after I came through
And said the things I was prone to say
(Just because I thought it was funny)
She really, probably, gave up
I know I am about to

The only difference between us
Is that I was the first in line
While my precocious spawn
Came along last in the set
            When I am already tired
                        And old and fat
And, oh yeah, did I mention tired?

So, when I sit and watch Ezra
Jump from one bed to another
And do flying kicks at the couch
Followed by an aerial 360 spin to a pile driver
To running 50 laps in a 5 foot circle
All accompanied by an endlessly hollered
Cacophonous original composition
With lyrics that include
As many off color concepts
As he can get in
Before we yell at him
At which point we are graced
With a parting shout of “Butt-face!”

All I can do is shake my head and think
Well, I guess I deserve this
For ruining the nice lady
That my mother probably was
Back before she made the mistake
Of welcoming me into the world

Sunday, February 24, 2013

POEM - Ugly Cry

It was only a nice drive through the country
With the light in just the right spot  
To set all the trees in stark relief
We shared a thought that this was right
That we belonged here
And it got me
Right here
At my very core . . .

Unfortunately, it got you too
Right in the face

Listen, dear, you are beautiful
Let’s get that straightened out
Right from the start,
So there is no confusion
But, well, you see, there is this thing that happens
Where you are in complete conflict
Trying to be strong
Stop the tears from coming
Keep a stiff upper lip
Maintain your composure
Resulting in a boggling conflagration
Where every last part of your lovely facade
Tries to beat up all the other parts
Locked in mortal combat
Battling for supremacy
Until the whole skirmish becomes drenched
In a gushing deluge
Of saline and snot

So, I’m sorry I read that passage
Where something died
Or someone was kind
That one that was just so true
Not to mention beautiful and life changing
But mostly
I’m sorry
For what it did
to your face!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

POEM - Journal Entry 1979

The box of leftover papers
Given to my sister to go through
To write the family history
Contained all the typical stuff
A couple hundred crayon drawings
Various certificates of participation
Some for actual accomplishments
Everything from the school years
Of five kids doing the growing up thing

Then Cassie found a gem of literature
Hidden from all eyes for 34 years
Written on my future wife’s 7th birthday
Truly enthralling and prophetic in its eloquence

It encapsulates the story of my life
With tales of faith and friendship
As I relate learning about repentance
Which took place in Primary
As I sat next to my best friend Jason

Goals and future plans find their way in
With promises unfulfilled
To write in my journal every Sunday
Ah, the folly of youth . . .

But the most haunting words
            Those that held my future plans
Are best said in my own 8 year old voice
“Dear mom
            I’ll never see you again
                        I’ll never come back

Do I have regrets for the trail not taken?
As I look back with clear sight
Knowing that I did see my mom again
Like every day
I didn't leave
Maybe it was that Jason couldn't drive
Maybe I got hungry
Maybe the front door was locked
Or I just got distracted
Or, well, bye.

Friday, February 22, 2013

POEM - Hare Brain Scheme

Three turtles walked into a bar
That same old story
Looking for love and an angle
A shell to cry on

But turtles are heartless things
It's a ruse, a scam
A cover, just like those shells
Completely unneeded

Get a few drinks in one
They'll spill all the secrets
These great heretics of nature

They work for the hares
Always have, even back there
Giving Aesop something to say
A point to make

In the end it was all fixed
Hares made all the bets against themselves
Got a percentage on the tortoise endorsement

Made bank on the trademarks
The movie deals
A book with four sequels
I've got my eye on you
A shell of a deal

Thursday, February 21, 2013

POEM - Humble Burrito

Let us consider
The humble burrito
Delicious denizen from Mexico
You are filled with delight

A food so diverse and exquisite
Modifiers are required
To merely communicate the joy
Contained within

To simply call it burrito
Is to deny all possibility
Surely this unassuming entity
Reflects the nature of humanity

Can you really understand a person
If you merely call them a human?

As within the soft folds of tortilla
A glorious mystery awaits
So too inside our frail skin
Is enfolded the mystery of each of us

The merest sight of you stuffs me
With glorious feelings (fillings?)
I burn with new understanding
As if bathed in a hot sauce of truth!

Oh Great Burrito!
Will we ever learn the lessons you contain?!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

POEM - A Dangerous Job

It may be a dangerous job
But oh the prestige it brings
To be suspended on cables
Hundreds of feet in the air
I feel the breezes of freedom
Course through my pompadour
A mighty wind like eagles wings
Flutters across my face
And I look up, soaked in patriotic glow

I am the one that knows
That knows the nose
And which way the wind blows
From which way the current flows
And where the flow goes

And each day I drop
From the noble forehead
Of Washington or Jefferson
Roosevelt or Lincoln
Past their never blinking eyes
I slide down the jutting dorsum
Then slip over the bulbous ala
Swing under a cavernous nostril
And deftly grasping the stern columella
I come to rest on an impressive philtrum
I take in this rare view but a moment
Before I ceremoniously swab and cleanse
The stony nasal cavity above my head 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

POEM - Conflict and Confection

I went out to a business dinner
Trying to size up  the new competition
the new young kid trying to impress everyone
just like the last one, but with brown hair
same fire in his eyes
same swagger in his step
the fierceness of intellect
and the savvy of the new Tech-eaters
slayers of the old behemoths

I'm trying to be on the right side of the rift
end up straddling the ever growing gorge
I can see where things are headed
but I love the past, the simpler times
I can see both sides and I'm stuck
trapped by indecision about my next move
distracted by shiny things
unable to really focus like that

and then the whole conundrum crumbles
blows apart like a marshmallow
growing beyond big
from the microwaves of radiation
only to completely deflate
this deconstructed confection
has been the right decision as always

Monday, February 18, 2013

POEM - Inherit the Wind: Part Deux

A mule is
a foolish bird
So bullheaded
and stubborn
cousin to a donkey
who the gods named Stella.

It brays vengeance
for a bad rap;
hay and curses
hot on its breath.
The unwilling
monk of nature
left impotent in
forced celibacy.

Mule! O, mule!
Take flight!

Know you not
the noble horse
heir of Pegasus?

Surely you must
remember the wind
in your flowing locks
the swoop and dive
float on peaked backs
of rising cumulonimbus.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

POEM - Venus Lint Trap

Frosty dawn tickles
Last footsteps left
Of scattering bed bugs;
My guiltless friends
So busy, so silly
I watch as you gather
A last string, a last thought
Evidence of industry
In considered navel.
The hairy trap
Useless since nativity
Open, mysterious, enigmatic
The great equalizer.
From goddess to peasant, united
Explore the pucker
Only to wonder, confused
When did I wear blue?
Harvesting arthropod of morning
Store detritus treasures
In oft neglected orifice.
I give all, storage and shelter
Blood and skin, gratis
For retribution nil.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

POEM - Joe Torres

we spent hours together
on the North side
of the old Main building
tossing a plastic disc
endlessly back and forth

unless we chanced an escape
just every once in a while
when the guards took a break

we'd slide of the grounds
beeline it to Campus Discounts
for two big bags of popcorn
at 15 cents a piece
and me with an Abba Zabba
and a Root Beer with crunchy ice
Joe with his Orangina
spending the first few minutes
slowly shaking it up and down
like a ritual meditation
the Zen master, serene and patient

it was good to know Joe
then I moved, and he moved on
i saw him on some kid show
hamming it up
didn't know the stoic had it in him

and I was going to end on a sad note
a rumor went around a few years ago 
that Joe was dead, what a bummer

instead Fletcher sent me a message
let me know about Joe
still keeping guard in Tucson
our very own dude who still abides

Friday, February 15, 2013

POEM - rising

dusky morning sun
relies lazily upon
a few patchwork chickens
ceaselessly harassed
by the monochromatic rooster
near the crumbling green shed
covered in a mossy cloak
beside a chaotic carpet
of scattered calico leaves

Thursday, February 14, 2013


you followed me
across everything
despite warnings
better judgment

I followed you
through everything
amidst heartache
serious injuries

if that was all there was it would be something
not a lot, but something to talk about at times
if that was all there was, I wouldn't write this
I wouldn't really care or need to

instead it is a Jackson Pollock painting
everything is thrown up on the canvas
all of it is there, all at once, and it changes
depending upon which way you hang it

despite warnings, better judgment
amidst heartache, serious injuries
across and through everything
we walked together

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

POEM - Resourceful

My eldest criticizes my resourceful nature
An ability born of impoverished formative years
Able to make much from nothing
Find beauty in all forms in all around

I will find myself reading this
In rough draft, to her, on purpose
As I withdraw the paper, eyes will roll
A question will form
One, THE one, I expected. Engineered
I like this game where a small insignificant action
Generates the biggest response

I ignore the incredulous guttural churnings
Begin to read only to be interrupted
Here it comes
            "Is that toilet seat paper again?"
            "Maybe . . . "

Yes, of course it is
Of course I will continue to do this
A moments peace at the office
Reposed in the cool tile lined sanctuary
With only my thoughts,
            and my thoughts are
                        as thoughts will be
Good ones now and then
And I must capture them
Resourcefully so
            These fleeting vapors
            From the porcelain muse
Before all is consumed and withdrawn
Vacated, departed and cleansed

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

POEM - A Good Day To . . .

It was my favorite line
In that movie we sort of watched
"Some days it is a good day to die.
Some days it is a good day to eat breakfast."

Some days are like that
You wake up in between
Can't decide if that pain is death
Or heartache, or depression
Or just a toy left in the bed
And you have to decide
Make the choice to give up the ghost
Or roll to the kitchen and make waffles

I think it is easier to die
Or at least be on the way to dying
It is a big effort to keep focused on living
Instead of turning around to the past
Becoming just one more pillar of salt

But the future has it all, man
I mean it has everything you could want
Hot breads in the morning
Dripping with salty butter
Smothered in sweetest maple syrup
Dusted with clouds of powdered sugar

Death will have to wait
Until waffles are extinct

Monday, February 11, 2013

POEM - Elijah's Place

This year we went to the park for dad's birthday
He would have liked it
Sunny and cool, it was a beautiful day
We all ran and played Frisbee and laughed

In the pauses a slight breeze
Suggested thoughts and feelings
Distances and time and separation
Swirled through the conversation
Explained the nature of elements
Things that kept dad from the park

Explained all the reasons that kept him
From talking and playing with us
All of us waiting
An empty place at the table

But he did what he has done
For over a decade now
And the place remains vacant
And Elijah isn't coming to the feast

Sunday, February 10, 2013

POEM - Just Family

Some people I'm related to are smart
And some are just family
And it's hard when you have to be kind
Treat everyone like they are important

My family will eventually see this
Read the whole thing, and wonder
Is he talking about me?

The problem is, I know my family
Each and every one will do the same thing
Without fail they will assign names
Associate faces with the first two lines

And they themselves are the smart ones
And the rest of us are just family

Saturday, February 09, 2013

POEM - Saturday from a Thursday Point of View

I tried to write about Saturday on a Thursday
Not a past Saturday; the next one coming up
Somehow it hasn't worked
I haven't got the swing of it yet
Especially not on Thursday
                Who gets Thursdays anyway?

But I wanted to be ready for Saturday
I will have a lot to do
I need a jumpstart after this failure

Maybe instead I could take a shower
Take it tonight to cover until Sunday
That would save a few minutes
                Live the weekend in my overalls
                Chew minty gum and wear a hat
Little things to disguise things in me
Things that are socially unapproved
Let out the secrets I keep
List out what offends
Make it a matter of public record
                I don't mind dirt and grime
                Don't own hand sanitizer
                Drank the water in Mexico
                Ate the pizza that sat out overnight
There it is, for whatever it means
Now I can live my life, enjoy my Saturday
Languish and roast and not act so Thursday

Friday, February 08, 2013

POEM - Tight Shirt Blues

I hate tight shirts, oh yes I do
They squeeze my jelly, belly goo
I get all grumpy and full of malice
Bound up and tied and getting a callous
Chaffing my handles that are made of love
Fitting tighter than an Isotoner glove
Glued to my biceps doesn’t feel tough
It more resembles a blood pressure cuff
Sitting at my desk I yearn to break free
Unbutton each hole  and fling it in a tree
But why stop at my shirt when pants suck too
All khaki and stiff and I’m sure filled with poo
Ok, that’s just an excuse, but can you cast blame
As slowly I lose the corporate casual game
I want to wallow and roll and lazily flop
Grow out my beard and the mop up on top
Wear oversized t-shirts with clever sayings
Flip-flops and shorts that are holey and fraying
And you do to, I know that you do
If you say that you don’t, it’s simply not true

Fire light in your eyes, wind in your hair
As we burn my torturous office chair
And my shirt and my khakis and my fancy dress shoes
A guaranteed remedy for curing these blues