Saturday, February 01, 2014

POEM - Old Delivery Guy

My body still knows
How to move just so
To transport this piece or that piece
Of inanimate furniture
Make it dance and pivot
Jump and shake
Or pirouette over my head
To get nearly any furnishing
Into the desired location

Yes my body still knows the moves
But the price paid
Has become steeper
And unloading a truck full
Of my buddies household goods
Takes a toll I never knew

It’s the car ride home
That kills me off
I stretch and lift
And heave and heft
Then sit back and sink
And now when the gears stop grinding
They like to take the next step
And go ahead and seize up

Just to make sure
I don’t consider any more foolishness
Making sure I remember
That I am no longer that guy
That unloaded whole trucks of couches
Delivered sleeper sofas by himself
Then went home refreshed
And maybe play some racquetball
Just to be sure I got enough exercise

I may still be able to impress
By lifting my end of the piano solo
With four guys on the other end
But you should probably save that task
For the end of the move
If you want me to help
With any of the other boxes

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