Sunday, February 02, 2014

POEM - Groundhog’s Day is for Families

What does it mean
That so many things
Happened on the same day?
Did they plan this?

The biggest holiday of the year
Involving rodents
And weather predictions
That also inspired a movie
Had to share

Because the big game
Had to be played as well
The one with leather spheroids
That get kicked and thrown
And carried about a grass field
In violent orchestrations
By groups of padded millionaires

While somewhere in New York
A billion stories continued
And one famous story
Amidst a swirl of mystery
Came to a tragic end

All the while in my house
With my children close at hand
We watched all of these things happen
At a safe distance
Snuggled together
I finally had
A whole day at home
All present and accounted for
Within arm’s reach

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