Friday, February 07, 2014

POEM - Mic Drop

Thank you for the applause
You really are too kind
It has really been a group effort
As you’ve allowed me
For the last 365 days
To borrow and steal
Some of our best moments
And saddest times
Your exploitation
And generosity
All in the name of art
Please feel happy
If you made it in
Don’t be offended
If you haven’t yet
As I’ve said before
And I will mention again
I am not hanging up my typing gloves
I am just giving my fist a rest
Having held this microphone
Tightly and passionately
Through the whole performance
Today I hold my arm out straight
Stare you straight in the eyes
Relax my grip
And turn away
Already in full stride
To the next idea
Before the cacophony erupts

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