Tuesday, February 04, 2014

POEM - 10,000 Year Poem

The renegade internet tycoon
Is trying to make a mark
More substantial
Than the bits and bytes
His empire is built on

So he is carving massive holes
In a lonely desert mountain
Somewhere in the wilds of Texas
Getting ready to build a massive clock
That will run for 10,000 years

Cool plan
I think I saw the same thing
In “The Dark Crystal”
But I’m sure
This will be much cooler
Because it is real
Or something like that

All I can think is
This is the first step
To a world
A little more

When we start building permanence
That’s when the bottom falls out

Like when I try to write
A meaningful poem
And all I do
Is ramble
About clocks in the desert
The end of civilization
And futuristic fantasies
With words that might not last
But an idea that could
Unaffected by rust
Or the passing of time

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