Wednesday, February 05, 2014

POEM - Home Stretch

I do see the bright light
Comforting and warm
That the goal is near

It is a bright point
Not an end
A check mark
A small pile of stones
Set beside the path
To show the way

A deep breath
At the ridge of a hill
Before heading into the valley
Only to ascend the next rise
Because that new hill
Is entirely different
Than the one I just climbed

We may celebrate
Rejoice and cheer
When the prodigal son
Walks the road towards home
Because it is good
That he checked in
Let everyone know
He was alright

But he will be gone again
To new challenges
His homecoming only temporary
Another bright spot
Another stack of stones
Marking a safe path
A brief sanctuary

That light I see
Is a welcome light
Where I will also breath deep
Rest my head a moment
Then take up my load
Put my feet to the path
And climb, climb, climb

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