Saturday, February 18, 2023

So Much Depends Upon an Empty Pill Case

My chronological condition precipitates adjustments
No longer do my veins course
With the elixir of vitality
Vanquisher of all concern
Lifeblood of the young
Seemingly endless in supply
In earlier years
I could eat anything
Bounce away from injury
Sleep carelessly
Run unceasingly
Never feel much pain
And that that was noticed
Never seemed to last
Illness feared me
And frailty was not in my vocabulary
And I still remember how it felt
Sort of
It I wish I did
Because parts of me still try
To act like they did long ago
And the rest of me takes exception
To any such outburst of vigor
By turning up the pain
Stuffing the joints
Accelerating angony
And turning down all endurance
Until I am little more than an ornament
Meant to keep furniture
From flying away
Thus I have become
Despite my aversion in early years
A taker of pills
An ingester of medicines
Attempting to stave off all ills
With tiny capsules and tablets of magic
They sit each day in my plastic green case
Waiting to make me live
For at least another day
But today they caught me melancholy
Because I am journeying
Far from home
And the empty spaces in the green case
Mean I am heading home soon
And I have never felt so much joy
At pills not being in this case
Never looked so forward 
To taking another portion
Never been so excited to sit at my desk
Take out the bottles
And fill up the week of doses
Vecause just in the next room 
As I clink each new pill against plastic
You will be waiting
Thinking nothing of the mundane task
Wondering why you caught a glimpse
Of me with a big stupid grin
Dropping another tiny pill
Into its waiting proper place

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