Sunday, February 12, 2023

Missing Valentine's Day

It isn't like that time
When I left for three weeks
And you all alone
With just a few of the kids
For Thanksgiving
Or the time I left again
And the delayed flight
Should have been a sign
Telling me to turn around
Because your sister had passed
And I thought it would be ok
You'd be busy with your family stuff
I'd be in the way
But instead
The correct answer
Is you needed my shoulder
And my helping hand
And me not to be selfish
Those other ones were way worse
And we did get to have our time
But I am still sorry
You have to spend Valentine's alone
Especially since this isn't the first time
That I have left
To the other side of the world
Especially since 
You have to babysit my mother
Probably best to not tell her
She will want to eat all of your candy
And play the lonely widow card
But to put this in a better light
You now have leverage
A more horrible set of crimes
Committed by me
How I left you alone again
Even if it is a made up holiday
Even if we would have just sat in bed
Because who has time for that
On a Tuesday night
But still
This is just to say
I'm sorry I left again
And I hope this apology
Buys me some clemency
For this poor dumb traveler
And his inability
To read a calendar
His failure 
To put you always first

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