Monday, February 13, 2023

A Commonplace Life

I didn't know the wording you used
To describe the little book I keep
To scribble all of my cherished thoughts
I thought it was just a notebook
If I was being classy, a journal
But this new phrase is better
As you commended my dedication
To keeping a commonplace book
And it is what it is so completely
A place to compile knowledge 
Gather my thoughts
Record impressions
Document my learning
In a common place
The same place
Thoughts gather to mingle over and over
Socialize and entwine and mix and flourish
A defined and reliable companion
This commonplace thing is not un-special
As the current understanding of common is thought to be
It is the better idea
The utopian ideal
Of all things in common
All ideas valued in the same place
And maybe we should strive to be like that book
A commonplace person
That receives and records many different experiences and ideas and thoughts
Cherishes many people and their many ways
Clings to their uniqueness
And recalls interactions as holy events
Reverenced and revered
That person who can do this 
Is commonplace
Because they give room for all
Within who they are
A collection of understanding
A reflection of the best 
They are able to see in all

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