Saturday, February 04, 2023

Opening Up on the Open Road

Hard conversations are easier in a convertible 
All the anxiety 
That rooms and walls and still air
Can trap and capture
Causing them to fall upon each other
Each revelation smothering a little more
A stifle and a choke
These are not issues 
When the air is whipping around
And the thunder of the road
The roar of the wind
The growl of the engine
A slight whiff of petrol
Makes only the essentials exist
Snippets of the story
That wounded the soul
And the pain can’t hang around
Wicked words rise to the jet stream 
Barreling over the windshield 
Just over heavy heads
And the bad stories get told
But the all encompassing pain
Has nowhere to sit
Their grip not strong enough
In the gale force of the open road
To hold on and weigh down
So when it is time
For hard revelations 
Difficult discussion points
Sadness and trials
To be revealed 
Find a car without a roof
Go for a drive in the open air
On the open road
And cast those worries skyward
Let the winds take your worries
The road smooth the roughness
The weight of your soul
Easily carried
On four good wheels 

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