Monday, January 30, 2017

POEM - She on Drugs

The off ramp is no place to take a nap
Despite this
The car two ahead was not inclined
To move any further
On this sunny lazy Saturday afternoon

All I was trying to do
Was take my eldest to work
And get back home
And sack out in front of some football
As soon as possible

The Hispanic gentleman approached cautiously
He knows the possible outcomes
Of approaching a stranger’s car
I try to help
Roll down my window
Smile and make it easy

“Can you help?
My English is not so good
She’s asleep
I don't know
Maybe you can help?”

I jumped out of my car
Impressed with his kindness
Concerned for a stranger
Obviously something wrong
He coordinates the rescue effort
In a hostile environment

The lady in the car was out cold
Snoozing hard
Luckily a smidgen of rigamortis
Kept her foot on the brake
Of the running car

I wrapped on the window
No response
“She on drugs”
Offers my new friend
In a matter of fact tone
He's probably right
I knock and yell
This time the eyes open
And a dim light begins to shine

“Are you ok?
Do you need help?
Can I call an ambulance or something?”

She is stunned and embarrassed
And now mostly awake
Claims to be ok
And pulls up to the light

We look at each other
Both equally skeptical
Both knowing some people are like that
And can't really be helped
He has done his part
Cared for a sister in trouble
Taught me a humbling lesson
Shown great character
And did the right thing

We shrug and head to our cars
She drives away surprisingly well
Though I keep my distance
She could relapse
Or something
And I explain
When I return to the car
With the simple answer
From my new comrade
“She on drugs”
Yes. Yes she is.

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