Saturday, January 28, 2017

POEM – Rooster of the Year

Across the gray-black macadam
Spreads a black feather fan
There was violence here last night
A streaking comet
Cracking into the silver egg
Carrying my baby chick

Rattled and shaken
But yolk unbroken
She came to rest on the grassy knoll
Peacefully observing the twisted remains
Of her beloved shell
It is no more and nevermore
And she is alternately
Stunned and sad and stunned again

And this rooster
May have never tended the nest
But he loves the brood
And he guards the house
And he is glad the encasement held
The cargo mostly undamaged
Despite the shards that scatter the roadway
And scars in her memory

All that was left
Were black feathers
Etched across a country road
And the tears of oil
Only the shell will die tonight
The hatchling carried home
A monkey still alive

To see the Year of the Rooster

Image result for year of the rooster

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