Sunday, January 29, 2017

POEM - Edgar

The puff of black smoke
Curled on my chest
That arrived suddenly
From a line in an Eliot poem
Has pinned me down
On a lazy Sunday afternoon

I had intended to get up
Even brushed away the beast
But lingered a moment
Only to be pinned again
And my intentions dissipated

It wasn't an instant friendship
Me and the felines have history
Uneasy and troubled
His predecessors
A couple of finicky females
Didn't garner my support

But this one isn't a jerk
Though he chews the glasses
Hanging out of my pocket
And he makes it impossible
To sleep when he's in the room
And loves to watch our shows
And touch the screen
And pause the movie
And eat the tablet case
And finally knock it over

It is just a pleasant game
And my smoky companion
Makes me take a little longer
Relax just a little deeper
Breathe deep and calm
On a simple Sunday afternoon

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