Tuesday, January 31, 2017

POEM - Refugee

He told a story
About fleeing over mountains
Miles rising
Through the foothills
Then the steeper paths
Over a peak
Only to see another peak
Forced to hike
While his mother put on a smile
Keeping up appearances
Partly for her son
Mostly to keep away suspicion
So that this would be a one way journey
Instead of a round trip

They went because they had to
I have climbed mountains too
At first by choice
To experience the hidden treasures
Share the quiet paths with my children
See the secrets in its craggy folds
And we started like the story
A happy walk
Just going for a stroll

We soon found an oppressor
Something to flee from
A monster of our inexperience
The trail a little longer
The sun a little hotter
The water supply inadequate

After a fitful rest
In the deep walled valley
We fled
Like a refugee
Unprepared for a difficult journey
Wanting to give up
Wanting relief
Hoping for deliverance
Some respite regardless the form
Dragging on over each rise
Only to see one more

Depleted we arrived
At the safety of the car
Something that told us we would not die
At least not today
The three sips of orange drink
Received as a ration
Before escaping our trial
Returning to our home

The refugees in the story
They made it too
And small things were sweet
Little kindnesses a salvation
A sip of cool drink
In a safe place

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