Monday, June 05, 2017

POEM - Three Legged Dog

An array of porcelain appendages
Scattered on the bathroom floor
Below the window ledge
Where once they were perched
Formerly attached
To the miniature beagle figurine
Caused more thoughts than usual
More than its diminutive size
Would seem to warrant
The little glass dog was not perfect
Somewhere it had lost a leg
A damaged imperfect proxy
Representing your real friend
The one who grew old
Until he was just too miserable
And you had to make that terrible choice
That many have made
Just as miserable
Just as awful
Now at rest
Below the dogwood tree
I thought of this
And then I thought
I guess you can it seems
Knock over a three legged dog
But I will collect the pieces
Glue them together
Place him back on the ledge
Lecture the cats
Tell then to leave him be

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