Thursday, June 15, 2017

POEM - Falling Into Thoughts

The attraction was the waterfall
That's where the arrows pointed
The reason for me to make the journey
The signage staggered along the path
A welcome bit of learning
This path was also used for education
A good variety of local flora
Labeled in detail
With interesting bias for flavor
Some frustrated or future ad exec
Offering tantalizing teasers
Fun facts and tidbits
Almost conspiratorial
"Did you hear about the mock strawberry?
     It has an ugly brown fruit.
         Thus the "mock" appellation, don't ya know . . . "
"Or this annoying little gem
   It has nasty thorns
      It will tear up your jeans
           And your skin!!
               We should all collectively avoid and shun it . . ."
Amused and informed so I persisted
Found the birch tree with propaganda in place
Make birch beer from the sap
Use to be the flavoring source of wintergreen
Now replaced by something artificial
Couldn't figure if that was good or bad
Tried to smell it in the small branches
Like it suggested
Guess this wasn't one of the good ones
The extended brown plank walkway
Across the marshy interlude
Caused me to pause
Capture the moment in pictures
Sure there was some metaphor
In the encroaching greenery
And the peaceful lighting
Of the contrasting straight way
Where once was impassible marshy uncertainty
Images captured and journey resumed
I heard the gurgling falls drawing closer
The helpful informational interludes had ceased
As if this was beyond snarky explanations
There was something too serene
Too generous about the water
Endlessly cascading
Calming noises and cool water
It settled my heavy breathing
The previous incline forgotten
I extended both hands
Placed them flat against the rocks
Water flowed
And something not insignificant
Pleased my deeper soul
I let the moment happen
Let the healing occur
Walked back lighter
Detoured away from the nature trail signs
Staying in the moment
Thoughts falling
Emotions in pools
Mottled sun dancing in gentle breeze
Warming the docile black snake
Must be deep in thought
Not a flicker of recognition
As I step past
Following my own path

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