Wednesday, June 14, 2017

POEM - Camp Cacophony

Lights out but nothing changes
Little conversations hum
The pleasant rhythm
Of conversations
In other rooms
Punctuated intermittently
By exploding declarations
Of disbelief
Or cheering support
Perhaps a belly busting guffaw
And what moments are left
When perhaps silence may
In some way return
The forest fills the space
Creaking frog thrums
Rustling leaf trembles
Chirping nervous cricket song
A hoot and a holler
Smother the silence of nature
Dispell any myth
Of the serenity that exists
Outside the realms
Of what is called civilization
But then the games resume
Capture the Flag
Or some other ritual
An initiation
Participated in for ages
And the noise of free range boys
Is a marvel unrivaled
And the ceaseless endurance
Making a ruckus
Deep into the sanctuary of night
Puts perpetual motion to shame
Causes reason to give up the ghost

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