Friday, September 28, 2018

POEM - The Day Starts with Water. The Day Starts Good

Yesterday was only rain
Only seemed ready for bed
My mind only able to almost wake up
That type of water
Is the water of sleep and melancholy
It is out of balance
And a soaked and weary wretch was I

Today some balance returned
The sun glanced through
A gentle high cloud covering
Feeling better
My mind could begin
Prepare for possibilities
And with my traveling friends
We wandered on unknown roads
Driving where the whim directed
Turning or not turning
Again we found water
The large purposeful river flowed
Soothing because it was in its place
Taking familiar paths
Contributing to the balance
When all of nature collaborates
And the day started with water
A small tribute paid
And the day started good
Gathering the river's stories to me
Dropping my cares in its flowing current
Start the day unburdened
My pulse flowing
Like the river to the ocean

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