Tuesday, September 18, 2018

POEM - Seven Years of Rain

Time makes no sense on cloudy days
Does the light tell me it is just past breakfast
Or is it perpetually a quarter till dinner
Is the growl in my stomach sincere
Or the pangs of boredom manifesting in munchies
The unbroken smoky slate bedthrow
Preserves mocking twilight tones
I'm stuck on Venus
And the rain feels listless
Unsure of just how to continue
Day after day
Fulfilling the minimal requirements
Just making the world damp enough
Year after year after year

It is a poignant event for a child in Oregon
To watch "All Summer in a Day"
And you become Margot
The child from earth
Who remembered the sun
Who remembered what it felt like
Trapped with peers who mocked her knowledge
I had come from California
Good friends with the best version of the sun
A joyful orb full of pleasant memories
But this gray Portland metropolis
Mocked my knowledge
And I nearly cried for Margot
Locked in the closet by cruel William
Seeing only reflected light
Through a sliver of a crack
Crushed by the eventual fade
The returning gloom
And it was all my ten year old being could do
To keep composure
Keep the memory alive
Fight against the Williams
Campaigning for the light
Reassuring the world the rain would end
With a weight of seven dim years
Each sunny day exploding
Crammed to breaking 
Lingering in its warm embrace

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