Monday, May 01, 2017

POEM - We All Get Paid

No matter how happy I am
To see you each day
In the halls of this pillar of capitalism
Or how wide my Cheshire grin
With gleaming exposed white teeth
Accents my overall work demeanor
The hidden and protected truth
The one I don't let out
Is, honestly
I am paid to be here
Otherwise I would never come back

Years I spent visiting my grandparents
Exploring the exciting home office
Of my accountant grandfather
An office that was unexpectedly interesting
With stacks of National Geographic
Making little colorful towers
Of well explored pages
Intermingled with mysterious business machines
Resplendent with ink soaked ribbons
In darkest black and most vivid red
Which we were free to experiment with
This one making only numbers
The other letters as well
This one making noise and little else
All of it providing simple entertainment
For years and years
And permanently fixed on the wall
An early inspirational quote
Something about this guy
From who knows what planet
Never worked a day in his life
It was all fun

And I try to be that guy
And enjoy each day
Find joy in what I am doing
Have fun
But most days it is still work
So I have to rewrite the quote
Just a little:
     "I never worked a whole day in my life
      It was 60 percent fun most days
      With some beautiful days
      Where I was at work
      And it didn't feel like work
      And everything went right
      And then it was all fun
      On those rare special only-all-fun days."

It doesn't roll off the tongue
But it is my reality
One I am happy with
One that makes me get into the car each weekday
And drive here
And smile
And, yes, even have fun

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