Sunday, May 14, 2017

POEM - Interstate-ment

In the middle of a metaphor
On my way to an analogy
Delayed by a conundrum
I ponder
Eyeing glowing red points
Signifying intentions
Warnings and frustrations
I heed
But only peripherally
Embroiled in asphalt diversion
Consider the freeway
Neither does it reap nor sow
Yet is anything so full
Of anticipated potential?
Adorned in advertisement
And detritus
An arterial conveyance
Flowing with automated atoms
Not fully aware are they
Of the larger scheme
The dynamic network
The much bigger picture
A grand moving ballet
Finding temporary stoppage
When fellow cogs 
Interested only in minutiae
Lose a broader vision
Don't understand the dance
Thus the metaphor
Something about life and little things
Where to look
What to notice
Which road to travel
And why any of it matters​
And the twisting interconnected menagerie
Like the journey of our lives
Keeps flowing on and on

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