Monday, April 10, 2017

POEM – Night Walk, Yellow Moon

A few minutes of just us
A stroll around the settling neighborhood
Night newly fallen
Houses peppered with square bright eyes
There are these nights
When harmony seems distant inside
That we, just us, get out
Exert a little effort
Hold hands and talk of sweet nothings
Synchronize our mental calendars
Finalize pending logistical issues
Then just breathe
Enjoy the unbelievably pleasant weather
No bugs, slightest whisper of air movement
And a bright yellow full moon
Shining away for all it is worth
It is possible on these nights
To walk away from troubles
Leave tedium and triviality
To dissipate on the asphalt
Circle around and come up behind
Sneak back in our home
While trouble looks the other way
Find peace has wandered back inside
Took up a seat in the den
Poured a glass of ice water
Made the bed ready
Covered in sheets of moonlight

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