Saturday, April 01, 2017

POEM - Deliverance Lite

It is always questionable
To canoe
Down rivers
In the South
With cultural subconscious
Creating disturbing imagery
Just around
Every cypress crowded bend

And despite thoughtful planning
To come in early spring
Before the snakes
Like lazy jungle vines
Take up residence
In the low slung branches
Lurching over the water
Only to somehow
Just as you pass
Drop into your boat
And despite the spiders
Being pervasive and plentiful
Especially when catching
Every last opportunity
To ram through their homes
On every possible shore line
Nonetheless they were small
Relatively harmless
Surprisingly prolific weavers
Of webs all across the boat
Still harmless if annoying
But I digress
And mistakes were made
And floating sideways
Into a submerged log
In the lone rapid section
Of an otherwise docile stream
In hindsight
Ill advised
And the water rushed in
And the vessel began to sink
But we
Through great effort
Brought it to shore
Dumped the water
Got in
Pushed off from shore
Tipped again
Repeated the rescue
Were more cautious
And made it safely afloat
On the charmed third attempt
Chilled but happy
At our own misfortune
Still glad there were no snakes
Happy for a good story to tell
A little more alive
On a black water trail
This wonderful spring day

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