Tuesday, December 12, 2017

POEM - Snake Boats on Turtle World

If I had been a little more awake
I might have seen the obvious direction
Known where the river of conversation
Was eventually leading me
Gently flowing with an easy calm
Lulling me into a false sense of security
I knew enough to know something was up
I knew enough to know I didn’t care what was up
I was up for it all
But I had become familiar with the approach
A slow reveal when the outcome is uncertain
When the audience might not be completely familiar
And I knew sometimes you row the boat
And sometimes the boat rows you
And sometimes you end up half naked
In a river in India
Rowing a snake boat
With a hundred other half naked barefoot men
Heading to the temple
In anticipation of a feast
In support of the celebration
And in those moments my smile can’t be stopped
My joy knows no ends
My gratitude for the generosity
Of complete strangers
Is endless as the backwater river
I jump into waist deep
Before climbing the steps
Ascending to holy ground
Waiting to be beckoned forth
Join the throng
Chant along in a beautiful rhythm
Adorn my forehead with sandalwood
A sign of respect for the turtle
Who carries us all as one on his back

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