Thursday, December 21, 2017

POEM - Chicago to LA and Donuts All the Way

The mother road begins
At the corner of Michigan and Adams
The front steps of the Art institute
A breeze coming off the lake
Carrying sounds of commotion
As traffic and pedestrians
And a massive city of busy
All clamour about
It just starts
No fanfare
And heads west yearning
A deep exhausting yearning
A building hunger within
A longing for deep enrichment
An empty hole
A hole only filled
By doughy deep fried greasy sweet delight
For here in the grand temple of architecture
The pilgrimage is fueled by donuts
In myriad variety
Each more memorable than the last
An aroma surely laden with pure ambrosia
Leaves the city awash
In a comforting blanket of caloric perfection
Just the perfect circle of joy
To carry a weary traveller on
Leaving the security
Of the ominous metropolis
And another bite
Can offer solace
In the desolation of the great plains
Or screw your courage to the sticking spot
Through twisting desert mountains
And even calm the nerves
When engulfed
By the endless expanse of LA
It is donuts that will see you through
One delicious dozen at a time

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