Tuesday, January 12, 2016

POEM - Hugs

Neurologists tell me
All this worrying
Causes activation in the insula, 
          Anterior cingulate, 
                   And dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
And to settle down my worrying circuits
I need a real good hug
That is some good science

But isn't that the way
That it takes an international team
Of psychoanalysts and neurologists
Working for years
With control groups
Double blind studies
Full brain scans
Intensive metadata analysis
Just to confirm what we all know
What we've known since we were infants

When you feel bad
A hug, most often, makes it better
An embrace of a loved one
Drives out the pain
Anguish can be squeezed away
The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 
Finally stops being so complicated
At the same time our knees falter
Our legs shake and collapse
The world is left to drop
From our portion of Atlas's shoulders
As we crumple in a relieved heap
Bouyed up only
By a simple hug

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