Wednesday, January 13, 2016

POEM - Form vs. Function

I liked it until I knew better
And grudge is a strong word
But even to my 3rd grade mind
It inspired strong emotions

When I got it
I loved it
When I premiered it
I understood
Where the design went wrong

The plastic Peanuts lunchbox
That I had proudly lugged to school
With the thermos full of milk
    And a PB&J
            And celery sticks
                  And the little metal pudding cup
Just laid there
         Wide open
              For all the world to see
Like my lunch was Exhibit A

And I tried
I tried every which way
To make the thing sit up
Like everyone else's
             Wonderful lunch sanctuary
A bit of privacy
In the micromanaged world
That is elementary school

But it didn't work
And I continued on
Exposing my culinary secrets
Each and every meal time
On display

My lunchbox

A similar lunchbox exposing the design flaw

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