Thursday, December 15, 2016

Poem - Pointed Crossing

The only reason I was driving slow
Instead of fish-tailing
Careening and swerving
Joyously enduring
My daughter's sternest looks
Was that it was the new car
The one we hadn't driven on dirt roads
The one that wasn't caked with mud
And that I had promised would never be so
But it had rained
On the dirt road
And ponderously I crept
Keeping the mud inside the wheel well
Not up over the hood
Smeared across the windshield
Caked to the undercarriage
Cautious and careful
Wary of every puddle and bog
As promised

I was rewarded
For an honored vow
As we intruded on the morning walk
Of the local stud of the deer clan
A handsome beast
About to cross the road
Our headlights told him not here
He quickly rerouted
Paused a moment
The briefest of nods
Then leaping to a sprint
Across the fog tinged field
To run and forage
Before the rest of the herd stirred
If he would have waited
We could have bumped fist
Completed the ritual
Begun by the tilt of a head
Continued in smashing knuckles
Alas a lingering look was all I got
Enough of a reward
For keeping the car clean
Slow as the sunrise we drove
Peaceful as a striding buck

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

POEM – Duel (Again and Again)

It may be true that I have never seen the whole film
Not straight through
But I’ve watched it dozens of times
When I was very young
I guess I should have been watching Looney Tunes
But back then cartoons ended by 10:30am
And sometimes friends had to leave in the afternoon
And I was stuck in front of the TV
Spinning the dial
First through the VHF
Then down to the UHF dial
Slowly clicking through the static
Hoping to catch a rogue cartoon
To fill up the doldrums
Until friends were allowed back out

It seemed I could always count on that movie
To be playing every Saturday afternoon
The one where the guy gets chased
All over the desert
By the semi-truck
And no one says anything
No explanation
Never figure out why
And I always somehow came in at the end
The nervous moments
Heading towards the cliff
The guy in the car gets away
The semi goes over the edge
In a spectacular cacophony
A sigh of relief
As a hat rolls by
Blown by the arid winds
Another tumbleweed in the collection
The credits roll
Still no answers

Always I sat there transfixed
Getting a little weirder
Wondering what I just watched
Wondering why I keep watching
Hoping to catch it again
Next Saturday
In the dull afternoon
The only thing on
When the cartoons and the friends
Leave me to duel with the TV dials
Searching for meaning

Aimless as a tumbleweed

Thursday, November 24, 2016

POEM - Bark Worse Than Bite

 It wasn't our dogs
That kept me stirring
But the neighbors had been so nice
Never complained when it was
That terrible yip
In rapid succession
Far worse than the bass drum
Of the hound over the fence

But today is a holiday
With too much food
And just enough family
That being nice has expired
And grumpy
Is my bedfellow

And my prayers are not for my fellow man
But to the gods of silence
Wasted proffering
Selfish and un-thankful
And in this moment
I have not learned my lesson
My digits clenched into fists
Refuse to rise
To let blessings be counted

Except one
That it is not that spearheaded yip
And another
That I commiserated long enough
Through feeble written verse
That even the barker lost his bark

Maybe someone told him
There is a poet next door
Regardless of rage
Will never yell back
In ways known to canines
But in verse only
That neither man nor beast
Has patience
To contemplate nor endure

Sunday, September 11, 2016

POEM - Possum, I Wish You Could Stay

We all wanted you to stay
Marsupial of our dreams
So young and curious
But your work is not here
And we had to evict you
Please take no offense

No, really, I understand
I'm sure the large bowl of cat food
Sitting there unguarded
Was a delicacy
Compared to your insect heavy diet
But that is what you do

I know
I read up and you
And it would have ended in tears
You do not have a long life ahead
I can't wish you many years of happiness
It is a sad truth that science doesn't understand
You seem perfectly fine 
Roaming and foraging 
Deep in the woods
And then you play dead
One last time
And it sticks

So, again, I wish you could stay
You were a lovely guest
Quiet and furtive
Kind to the cats
Easily captured
Though kind of a pig
But the internet said no
It is better this way

I released you in a good part of the forest
Same place I sent your brother yesterday
Sorry for the bumpy car ride
Please don't hurry back

Sunday, July 03, 2016

POEMS - Holidays in Summer

From May to June I would dread
Any holiday morning
For most of my youth
A holiday meant dad was home
And if that day wasn't Sunday
It meant dad was in the yard
And if dad was in the yard, well
That meant the rest of us would be soon
And didn't he know it was our day off too
That this junk was for Saturdays
This was a Wednesday for cripes sake!
Holidays on Wednesdays are bonus time
Sleeping in
Being lazy
Eating junk food
Going to the movies
Swimming and more swimming
And not just cooling off in the pool
After mowing the backyard
Head first
Fully clothed
Like my lunatic father would
Like he enjoyed it
As if this was fun for him
I guess he believed he did like it
He seemed always willing
To sacrifice our holidays
In pursuit of his bad habit
Tackling one horrific project after another
Bathing in summer sweat
Conducting the gas powered symphonies
Of roaring yard machines
Smiling for most of it
Crazy old man
Probably suffering from heat stroke
Someone should get him some ice water

Saturday, June 25, 2016

POEM: Juarez is Again

I was only introduced
To Juarez
After the violent past
When only the wounds remained
Deep scars
Already beginning to heal
It was a controlled encounter
Set rules
Restricted movements
My first treading
On foreign soil
The next visit my heart opened
Juarez was again
The traumatic left behind
As it has been many times
This people do not
Let a little war ruin things
Let a little corruption make them cynical
Let destruction be permanent
They rise up
Put things back together
Clean up the overturned tables
Start the ovens
Hang a sign over the door
And serve up the salsa and chips
This time I watch the flag furl
Red, white and green
Blown by the wind
Big enough to cover a stadium
Or the brightly lit star
That shines from the hills of El Paso
As if in answer
Proclaiming the pride of a people
This time I walk through the streets
Break bread at her tables
Breathe the air recently forbidden
Walk the streets and shops
Laugh with my amigos
At the shirt that reads
  "Made in USA
      From Mexican Parts"
My heart now also full
Of Mexican parts

Friday, June 17, 2016

POEM - My Father is the Ghost My Mother Lives With

This isn't some metaphor
A loveless marriage
Ships passing in the night
Some abandoned halls of an empty four chamber heart

My father is in fact deceased
He expired and is no more Encased 
In this mortal coil

But it is a decade and a half later
And I only think of him when I need to
Or when my mother is talking
Or on the anniversaries
Of his birth or his death

But my mother still sort of needs him
To be around
Make sure things are in order
Be a presence to fill a lonely void

And she expects him to be there
And when she talks about the little signs
The signals he still gives her
I don't think of it dismissively 
As the quaint fantasies of an addled mind
No mater how much I want to
Because I know she believes they are parted
But not separated 
And she believes forever is real
And he did to

And we all believe in ghosts
That like to visit on an occasion
Like to whisper to the grandchildren
To tell mom to do the dishes
Because he always told her that

He is the ghost that she lives with
That checks on her now and then
Whispers to her as well
Little things to calm her nerves
Lets her catch a glimpse of him
Out of the corner of her eye
With a big smile on his face
That raises his eyebrows 
And makes his eyes twinkle mischievously 

Thursday, April 07, 2016

Kids Are People

Dishwater blonde kid
My son from my first marriage
           From my only marriage
My youngest son from an ongoing marriage
And he doesn't always get this
             To sit in the front seat
             For a long drive
Into the mountains we go

EzP is able to stay entertained
Without a single screen
Turned on
                  Off but close at hand
In case this journey fails
Despite all the assurances
That it would be a blast

Backup is at the ready
                          But it stays put

We are headed to pick up a friend
And a stranger
It doesn't bother him
All worry is on me
I own it
There are questions that come with ownership. . . 

Will EzP behave?
       And be able to understand 
             The accents and the mannerisms 
                     Of these folks so far from home?

He can
When bored
Cause a ruckus
Have behavioral issues
Bug the ever living cuss out of me

It worked out
He behaved
Talked and engaged
Answered questions
Carried a conversation
Effortlessly understood
                   Maybe far better than I
Our guests

It was soccer
And youth
And simplicity
And play
And a mountain stream
Of rushing dancing water
      Chilled noisy waterfalls
              Blissful clear pools
Hummus and string cheese and Red Vines and smiles
     And smiles
          And smiles
               And smiles


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

POEM - Form vs. Function

I liked it until I knew better
And grudge is a strong word
But even to my 3rd grade mind
It inspired strong emotions

When I got it
I loved it
When I premiered it
I understood
Where the design went wrong

The plastic Peanuts lunchbox
That I had proudly lugged to school
With the thermos full of milk
    And a PB&J
            And celery sticks
                  And the little metal pudding cup
Just laid there
         Wide open
              For all the world to see
Like my lunch was Exhibit A

And I tried
I tried every which way
To make the thing sit up
Like everyone else's
             Wonderful lunch sanctuary
A bit of privacy
In the micromanaged world
That is elementary school

But it didn't work
And I continued on
Exposing my culinary secrets
Each and every meal time
On display

My lunchbox

A similar lunchbox exposing the design flaw

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

POEM - Hugs

Neurologists tell me
All this worrying
Causes activation in the insula, 
          Anterior cingulate, 
                   And dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
And to settle down my worrying circuits
I need a real good hug
That is some good science

But isn't that the way
That it takes an international team
Of psychoanalysts and neurologists
Working for years
With control groups
Double blind studies
Full brain scans
Intensive metadata analysis
Just to confirm what we all know
What we've known since we were infants

When you feel bad
A hug, most often, makes it better
An embrace of a loved one
Drives out the pain
Anguish can be squeezed away
The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 
Finally stops being so complicated
At the same time our knees falter
Our legs shake and collapse
The world is left to drop
From our portion of Atlas's shoulders
As we crumple in a relieved heap
Bouyed up only
By a simple hug

Tuesday, January 05, 2016

POEM - Gray

In the monochromatic twilight
Of a frozen morning commute
I blurry eyed and struggling
Fight to retain consciousness
Dancing through the radio dial
Wandering and searching frantically
For something in my key
That I can sing along to

In the pre-dawn office building
I sore muscled and uninspired
Take circuitous paths
Through darkened quarters
Just to avoid arriving too soon
At my lonely quiet office
Where I slump down

It is gray
The day ahead
Stopped time

Only the faces that enter
Snap me back from the brink
Of abysmal boredom
Lackluster enthusiasm
A distraction from my distractions
A welcome lifeline
From fellow humanity
Discussing the merits
Of the latest remake
The quality and richness
Of the latest indie release
The tones of the vinyl
Recently rotated across warm turntables

A little grace
In gray worlds
Golden tones
Wake slumbering ears
Monochrome dissolves
In technicolor conversation