Monday, January 12, 2009

I don't dance the tango, I only build the trap-doors

It is weird how things come about sometimes. I logged on to my email today and it appears that I have finally been found by the Tucson crowd from my early high school days. it is good to see that many people are still around and to see them living their lives and having smiles and willing to be a part of the lives of someone who disappeared over twenty years ago. You always wonder after that long if those people are still the people you knew way back when, and I got a little of that feeling back when I was chatting with one of the newly found and discussing my employment and I made an offhanded remark about the place, and they latched on to the sarcasm as a remembrance of the person they knew before. It made me think that what we look for in each other are not the big news but the subtle reminders, so that if the little character quirks are in tact then the person is as well. Kind of a fun experience to say the least.

Oh, and I would be remiss if I did not add a post script for the previous entry and say that my eldest, Veronica, is a delightful child, even if she is a teenager. She can't help what age she is I suppose, but she really is quite decent and was good natured enough to be the butt of the joke and not hate me for more than a few seconds (personal record I think). So, to all of you out there who have teenagers, treat like humans and they might just turn in to one.

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