Wednesday, February 18, 2015

POEM - The Saddle

My soft brain
Has been bucking and stamping
Against the side of my thick skull
Hoping for a way out
As I dull it daily
With spreadsheet detritus
Meager fare for thought fuel

Even the dullest men
Cherish intermittent absurdity
Privately perhaps
But the waffles of secrecy
Crave emergence
From fathomless leagues
Of thick maple-butter seas
And will pop
From the inner toaster sanctum

Bite the hot bread of defiance!
Bite it!
Climb into the saddle
Ride that pale horse
Whose haunches sag with indifference
Only the pain will cure it
Only denying the buck
That tossed you
Unceremoniously earthward
Will burst the rusted mush of cerebral dormancy

And the best waffles never bend
Beneath the deluge

Of the syrupy onslaught

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